Get free counselling

For anyone 25 and under who needs the support of a counsellor. We have counsellors available for face to face or digital therapy.

Need an emergency response

If you require urgent medical attention, please call 111.

Stressed or overwhelmed

Free call or text 1737 anytime ​to talk with a trained counsellor 24/7.

Not urgent but still want help

Pick a counsellor from our database, Sessions are available in-person or online.

choosing your counsellor

Everyone's needs and preferences are different and we want the best possible outcome for you, so here's a few tips on how to choose a counsellor.

Tips to pick a counsellor

Remember, when it comes to your emotional well being, you're allowed to be fussy.

  • Research - if they have one, visit their website and see if their background sounds appealing to you.
  • Think about whether you generally feel more comfortable speaking with someone from the same or a similar gender background to you.
  • If you use or speak more than one language, you might find it useful to try a counsellor who can use the same languages as you.
  • Think about whether you want someone who understands your spiritual or cultural background.
  • Shop around. You and the counsellor/s you interact with are only human and naturally not everyone will have perfect chemistry. If you don't feel comfortable with the counsellor you first see, you don't have to keep going to them. Find someone that suits you and that you want on your team.

You want to pick someone you think you'll be comfortable talking about pretty much anything with and who will work with you in a style that works best for you.

Who can access Gumboot Friday funding?

Anyone in New Zealand who is 25 years of age or under.

How do I access Gumboot Friday counselling funding?

You want to pick someone you think you'll be comfortable talking about pretty much anything with and who will work with you in a style that works best for you.

How many counselling sessions do you pay for?

We fund one counselling session a week per client from an initial TWO session allocation. The Gumboot Funds are not intended as long term funding solutions. Depending on circumstances, our counsellors can request additional sessions for clients in need.

The Gumboot Friday counselling funding service is designed to take the pressure off current services and give young people facing long wait times an alternative pathway. It is not a long-term solution designed to take over from government services, rather, it should be seen as a bridge between current services and immediate need. Everyone is encouraged to seek government funded help while utilising our service.

We encourage counsellors to work on their client's urgent need, until their client can get the district health board services they need.

We do reserve the right to audit any financial records relating to Gumboot Friday payments for counselling services, should we feel the need arise or if we see any unusual invoicing patterns. Clinical records will remain confidential between patient and practitioner.

Already have a great counsellor?

Fantastic, you may still be eligible for funding. Ask your counsellor to contact us here.

Only registered mental health professionals can access Gumboot Friday fund

Counsellors, therapists and health professionals on the Gumboot Friday platform are members of professional memberships.

We consider applications from many different boards and associations. Currently, these are:

  • The New Zealand Psychologists Board (NZPB)
  • The Psychotherapists Board of Aotearoa New Zealand (PBANZ)
  • The Addiction Practitioners’ Association Aotearoa–New Zealand (dapaanz)
  • The Social Workers Registration Board (with relevant qualifications, experience, and supervision in counselling) (SWRB)
  • The New Zealand Association of Counsellors (NZAC)
  • The New Zealand Christian Counsellors Association (NZCCA)
  • The Australian, New Zealand and Asian Creative Arts Therapies Association (ANZACATA)
  • The Medical Council of New Zealand (MCNZ) and has the scope of Psychiatrist or suitably qualified General Practitioner.